Retrieval done 

So yesterday I had my retrieval done. I was a little nervous as with the new clinic they only do sedation along with a local anaesthetic and I’ve only had full anaesthetic previously.
I must of been asleep for most of the surgery but I do remember being awake and aware of quite a painful pushing feeling in my abdomen which I think was towards the end of the surgery. I woke up really well and alert in recovery so I do think I prefer the sedation that this clinic does. It’s less of a trauma on the body although I do feel a little more tender in my abdomen post this retrieval. Nothing major but enough to have today off work too.
Turns out my husband had an important meeting he had to attend so he couldn’t pick me up after so my only option was to ask my mother in law. We hadn’t really discussed us doing IVF with them, for no reason really but to save another set of questions. Of course my husbands family are supportive and my mother in law made me a yummy vege soup for recovery and looked after my daughter whilst I was recovering. So grateful.
So we retrieved 4 eggs and got notification that 3 have fertilised this morning. That’s 3 times our previous fertilisation rate. Should be happy, I am but cautiously so. Hope is a double sided edgy bitch sometimes!
I garnered more information on what the freeze all process involves too. The lab freezes them today, day 1 while they are 2 cell. We then wait a full cycle before I call the clinic with my first day of period and the lab defrosts them and grows them hopefully to day 3 or 5. Fingers crossed I’ll have something to transfer. Lab said that how they are growing determines when they will transfer. If I have one on day 2 then they will transfer then, if two on day 3 they will transfer one and freeze the other, and if all three are strong by day 5 they will transfer one and freeze the two other.
So what now? One word. Wine! That is all.
Cheers to that 🍷

Retrieval booked

Cycle 3 update
So I had my day 11 ultrasound and blood tests to check growth of my busy follicles. I had a 30mm unusable one and at 25mm, one at 18mm, one at 16mm and one at 14mm.
I’ve triggered and am booked in for retrieval on Thursday, day 14. They also told me that my progesterone levels were too high for a fresh transfer so they would have to do a freeze all cycle. Was not expecting that! I dont know a whole lot about freezing but I believe they want embryos to grow to day 5 or maybe I’m thinking of pgs testing? I’m of course going to google it 😩
If I have to grow them to day 5 I’m a bit concerned as in my first cycle the embryos only grew to day 4 and I was hoping to transfer at day 3. Whilst I know that chances of pregnancy are higher with a 5 day transfer , I was then banking on one and likely could be this cycle too. Bloody hell! Positive thinking right? So friggin hard when you look at the numbers. Let’s say they retrieve the four eggs, with a 60% fertilisation rate lets predict 2 follicles start developing. So I’ve got at best probably 2 in the running to try to make it to day 5 🙏🙏
I can only hope and remember to breath and remember that anything can happen as it does with this damn process.

Day 9 in a nutshell

Ok so the plan is to disregard my two extra large 27mm over developed follicles and keep up with the meds in the hope that batch no. 2 grow up to a decent size come Monday’s ultrasound.
How do I feel? I feel angry! Angry at just about everything and everyone around me. Negativity as well is in my very soul and I’m not a happy being. I was whinging about the cost of this seemingly wasted cycle and my friend piped up and said that’s the price he’s looking to pay for a camera he wants 😏 and I said well lucky you that you get to spend your money on fun things. I wanted to slap my inner bitch that very moment and also wanted to slap my friend. F**k all of this. I know I’m not a bundle of positivity right now but it seems like every interaction I have right now just makes me feel like my feelings are not justified, like I should be handling this all better, like I’m the only person in the world who is going through this but at the same time it is by choice so really I should just shut up and deal. Keep getting on with life the best I can. Act like my heart is not getting ripped out daily.
So that’s how day 9 of the cycle is going in a nutshell.

Ultrasound findings day 8

Far out I was so nervous to find the results of this ultrasound. So many expectations and i had tears welling as I drive to the clinic and sat in the waiting room. Ridiculous!
This is what my insides look like at day 8.
2 at 27mm that are probably too big? Ummm what?
3 at a decent size of between 8-12mm
Another few or so smaller at around 6-8mm
This stuff is so confusing!
Clinic will speak to specialist to get directive as to what happens now.
Positive thoughts, positive thoughts!!