
‘I didn’t think that what I was doing was so wrong because we were over…’ This is what he said to me the other day. Had he forgotten the four attempts of IVF that we had gone through last year whilst he was having his affair. How does working on adding to our family make this over? Is this the way he justified everything to himself? Such a coward. I’d imagine you would have to have a huge justification in mind in order to be able to do what he did. He says he wishes everyday that this would of all happened differently. 

Can’t see eye to eye

I almost feel a sense of saddened acceptance of late. My therapist thinks I’m not realising what the reality of life is if we split. He thinks im not at that place yet. He’s probably right but it just feels sad, void of hope. 
We are currently in habitation in the same house but it feels like we’ve both given up. Strange how time just seems to go by and we are no closer to anything resolved. He’s been working long hours and I’ve been busy adapting to working as well with everything that comes with running a household. Life’s busy. He doesn’t want to go back to our therapist as he doesn’t think we are getting anywhere with him. I said to him that you have to actually do the work for it to work. 
He is still not sleeping in our bed instead resorting to sleeping in our daughters bed with her. He doesn’t feel comfortable he says sleeping in with me. So where does that leave us then? If we aren’t working on moving forward then what are we doing? Truth be told I’ve buried my head in the sand to a certain extent. His attitude doesn’t exactly foster a willingness from my part to communicate. He says that my spending doesn’t give him a warm and fuzzy feeling either. So once again we came to a standstill. 
I said to him that I still feel his resentment towards me and that its ingrained in him and how I feel I don’t deserve it. I actually don’t recall what his response was which goes to show that my active listening skills I was learning in therapy haven’t cottoned on. I’m sure it was some stupid reasoning of his, it never makes sense to me and I always come away feeling that he’s saying one thing but actually meaning another. I think I’m just really tired of it all.
Most days I just feel as though I must of done something really wrong somewhere along the line. Not so long ago he loved me. He really loved me. Did I take that love for granted? I naively thought it would always be there. We’ve been together for 21 years, married for 7. Everything changed after we had our daughter. He became really critical and I became depressed. His resentment built and it’s still there. It was from what I could tell based on the fact that I stopped working. He says it was the fact that I stopped contributing in any way. I didn’t support him, I didn’t show consideration to him. He shut down when I needed him the most. I was struggling and he was thinking how he had it hard, working long hours to support us and I don’t deny he did. He did and still does work crazy long hours but we just can’t see eye to eye on this problem. Exhausting!!
Anyhow just needed to get these thoughts out of my head. These thoughts go around and around in my head and get so tiring so feels better to get them out on paper. 

Snippets that stick

Snippets of conversation I read on their messages to each other…funny how I remember certain bits word for word. Don’t know why I’m thinking of all this tonight or why I’m writing it but better out then inside of me. It’s been a while between posts. Sorry that all I’ve got is a recap for now. I’ll update properly soon when I have the headspace. 
Her words are in italics.

Snippets in no particular order.
What are you going to do about your marriage? 

Well the first step is to put some distance between us. She won’t like it but ultimately will be happier long term.
You look so tired today. I need you well rested for tonight
What’s happening at home. What’s he doing? Leaving you alone I hope.

He’s on his iPad as usual. Probably stalking me lol

Lol I hope not. We could be in trouble!
I really liked this morning in the shower. Your quite talented 
I can be out of here by 11. Hope you brought a summer dress. 

I have no idea what excuse I’m going to use to leave work early lol

You’ll figure it out, your resourceful 
Merry Xmas. I’ve driven up to the top of a hill in the middle of Xmas lunch with my vodka in hand hoping to catch you on line. Your on my mind a lot. You’ve grown quite dear to me. Your such a special person and I hope that you get every happiness you deserve. The sun will shine again for you.

It’s sunny when I’m with you.

Then we best get you some vitamin d then.
I’ve worked out I can make an escape for a night. It’s been too long without you. 


I’ll say I’m coming back to work to do payroll and will stay the night.

Won’t she get suspicious?

No I told you, she’s she has no care factor. You don’t believe me when I tell you how things are between us do you?

Hmm, not really.
She’s in total denial about our marriage. I just discovered prenatal vitamins in her bag.

Jesus what is wrong with people. Don’t they want to be happy?

Nope. They are lazy. It’s too hard for some.

Geez my hubby and her would be a good match.

Yep it’s too hard for some to want to improve themselves. You and me are at the only ones that have improved themselves.
How are things at home? Hope your ok

Not good. By the time I got home she had cried all her tears already.

Oh that’s terrible. So hard to come home to that.

Her best friend is here. I just want to go. Would it be bad if I go?

Hmm probably.

She found out the sex of the baby. Stupid of her to want to know that at this stage.

Oh no. That makes it all so much harder.

Yep. No use knowing that now. Have to remember it’s all for the best.

How can you be so positive in all this?

Because I know it’s the best outcome for all
We’ve had such a bad day. No one is having a good day here. Things have to change. She talked about doing another IVF cycle on the way there in the car. No good.

Oh. What did you say?

That I didn’t want to do another one. That I wanted a separation.

What did she say? 

She cried about me not wanting to try again for a baby. She said nothing when I talked about separating. What do you think that means?

Hmm not sure. Maybe she was shocked?

Yeh I don’t know.
That was the longest courtship in history.

Yep it was for me too. Such a long time imagining what your kiss would be like again. 

It feels like things are moving fast.

It does. Everything feels amazing when I’m with you. The sex isn’t bad either lol

Lol it’s amazing! 

She’s so amazing. She melts me.

She is. I hope you went outside and played ball with her.

I did. She said I don’t want to play soccer with my team daddy, you are my team. I can see me crumbling if she tries to stop me from leaving. I’m like putty in her hands.

It’s so hard with kids. That’s the reason I’ve stayed all these years too.
How’s it all going there.

Crap. Spending our time arguing over who is sun baking and who is looking after her. Can’t wait to see you tomorrow. Been two very long days.
There’s a lot to work out with the finances and everything. Ill be covering everything like I do now when we seperate

Really? Why so

She’s not working. She’s not capable at the moment. Her depression has been bad. 

Why do you think that is?

I don’t know. She doesn’t try to help herself. 

Zoloft not working?

What caused your marriage to go bad do you think?

I stopped trying to make her better. She became selfish.