
So our little frozen eggs from our recent freeze all cycle have developed nicely and today was day 3. The clinic had pre booked me in for a 5 day transfer but I got a call from them today suggesting I come in for a transfer today, day 3.
Two out of the three that were thawed were still in the running. We had one grade b with 6 cells and a grade c with 5 cells. They suggested transferring both which we ended up doing. The scientist say chance of twins were only about 2% so decided to take the risk.
So now I’m officially pregnant until proven otherwise! It’s a weird feeling but I’m crossing all my fingers and toes and praying for the best. I’ve done so much work to get to this point. 2 failed ivf cycles, one iui and finally I’ve gotten to transfer. Pat on the back for me haha.
2 week wait, hello šŸ˜Š

Welcome back!!

Just come off the back of a 28 day European holiday where I had a fab time. Forgot, well pushed to the recesses of my mind my experiences of the past year and almost felt a unfamiliar normality occurring within my mind. I was looking forward to each new day and experience and now I’m home the reality of my day to day experience is here.
Infertility you suck balls. I got my period on the plane trip home, promptly emailed the clinic to tell them so we could begin planning my frozen transfer. That was last week and tomorrow I go for a blood test to determine when ovulation will occur. My frozen eggs will be woken up and told to grow. I’m sorry little eggs but so much depends on you. It’s a lot of pressure isn’t it. I know how you feel!
Anxiety levels are through the roof. Can’t sit still today and my mind is racing in a million different directions over so many varying subjects it’s ridiculous. Sigh… Here we go again!!!