Day 9 in a nutshell

Ok so the plan is to disregard my two extra large 27mm over developed follicles and keep up with the meds in the hope that batch no. 2 grow up to a decent size come Monday’s ultrasound.
How do I feel? I feel angry! Angry at just about everything and everyone around me. Negativity as well is in my very soul and I’m not a happy being. I was whinging about the cost of this seemingly wasted cycle and my friend piped up and said that’s the price he’s looking to pay for a camera he wants 😏 and I said well lucky you that you get to spend your money on fun things. I wanted to slap my inner bitch that very moment and also wanted to slap my friend. F**k all of this. I know I’m not a bundle of positivity right now but it seems like every interaction I have right now just makes me feel like my feelings are not justified, like I should be handling this all better, like I’m the only person in the world who is going through this but at the same time it is by choice so really I should just shut up and deal. Keep getting on with life the best I can. Act like my heart is not getting ripped out daily.
So that’s how day 9 of the cycle is going in a nutshell.